Thursday, October 29, 2009

Webquest- question answered

"Ultimately your QUEST is to determine the most effective way of sharing this new knowledge and resources about one innovation to bridge the gap between those who 'know' and those that 'don't know', in particular your colleagues in the course and faculty members"
This QUEST was achieved in our class presentation of the Web 2.0 innovation 'Scratch'. To 'bridge the gap' for this innovation we took everyone through the program in a step-by-step process but also allowed for them to 'play around' with the program whilst doing so. This meant that everyone was not only being fed direct information about the program through our presentation but also building their own knowledge about it through paly. This meant that those who 'know' did not become frustrated and rush ahead (as they were able to play whilst waiting for others), whilst those who 'don't know' were able to raise any concerns or problems they were having and have them rectified before moving onto the next steps.
We also created a Scratch Wiki page which contained further information about Scratch along with numerous Scratch resources including video tutorials and links to help pages. This wiki was created with the intention of enhancing and detailing information given in the presentation some background informaition about the program and information about the future of the program and its uses in the classroom. All of this information was gathered and documented with the intention of also helping to 'bridge the gap'.

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