Monday, October 26, 2009

Edmodo- the virtual classroom

Edmodo is baisically facebook for teachers and students (in fact it was around BEFORE facebook was). However it not only allows teachers and students to communicate privately online with one another, but also acts as a virtual classroom where you can share notes, links, files, attachments and homework.

Edmodo is free, simple for both teachers and students to follow and use, and sdoes not require students to have an email account in order to sign up.

It can be used in the classroom:
- to send allerts about upcomming events
- to send assignments to teachers
- as a means of record keeping (for any online tasks)
- as a means of communication teacher-> student or student->student
and lastly my favourite...
- Edmodo leaves no excuses for students who NEVER hand in a piece of homework! (By posting the homework online children cannot lose it and once they’ve uploaded their finished homework, they can forget about it until it’s time to review the work in class)

Of course with everything good, there are some downfalls, namely children not remembering to check the site and an increased workload for the teacher, however I think Edmodo will rapidly evolve into an excellent tool for future classroom management and discussion.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say thank you for the kind words. We weren't actually around before facebook :) We have been around just a little over a year. We launched Sept. 2, 2008.

    -Jeff O'Hara
    Co-Founder - Edmodo
